about us

Maylen Dominguez

Maylen is a yoga teacher and screenwriter. 

She received her B.A. in Literature and Film from Yale University and her M.F.A. in Writing for Film and Television from the University of Southern California. She has written several screenplays, two of which are currently in development, and a memoir. Maylen has taught master degree level writing for thirteen years. She is currently the Dean of The New York Film Academy South Beach. 

Maylen has studied with many amazing yoga teachers, including Erich Schiffmann, Mark Whitwell, Shiva Rea, Bryan Kest, Amrit Desai, and Saul David Raye, with whom she completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training. Maylen is a senior teacher with Saul David Raye and has assisted over 800 hours of Yoga Teacher Trainings with him. Maylen has studied Buddhism, Judaism, Kabbalah, Hinduism, Christianity, Sufism, Bhakti, and spent time in Guatemala with a Mayan shaman. She is trained in the Reiki method for natural healing, Thai Yoga Massage, and Yoga Nidra. Maylen is passionate about meditation, yoga, writing, and ceremony, and the way all four help to heal and enable one to live a life of peace and joy.

To see upcoming classes & workshops & to learn more, follow Maylen on IG @maylendo


Catherine Prescott

Catherine is a poet and yogini, who has practiced both poetry and yoga for almost three decades.

She is the author of the poetry collection, Accidental Garden, which won Gunpowder Press’s 2022 Barry Spacks Poetry Prize (selected by Danusha Laméris). Recent poems appear or are forthcoming in EcoTheo Review, Green Mountains Review Online, MER VOX, Mezzo Cammin, NELLE, Northwest Review, Pleiades, Spillway: A Poetry Magazine, Stirring: A Literary Collection, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Verse Daily, West Trestle Review, The Orison Anthology, and Grabbed: Writers Respond to Sexual Assault. She is co-founder of SWWIM and the editor in chief of the daily, online literary journal SWWIM Every Day. Catherine earned an MFA in poetry from NYU, and she’s taught writing and literature to students of all ages and poetry pedagogy to middle and high school teachers.

Catherine completed her RYT 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Ahana Yoga and a 300-hour Yoga Philosophy certification at Embodied Philosophy, where she studied with great scholars and bhakti yogis and yoginīs, including Edwin Bryant, Swami Sarvapriyananda, Dr. Katy Jane, and Laura Amazzone. Catherine is dedicated to her practice, a combination of meditation, japa, āsana, kirtan, Vedic chanting, and endless study of sacred texts.

To see upcoming classes & workshops & to learn more, follow Catherine on IG @catprescott or visit www.catherineespositoprescott.com .


Remember the truth
that you are.

— Lalla